onSelect: function (row) { console.log("onSelect",row); var values=$(this).combobox('getValues'); var getData=$(this).combobox('getData'); console.log("getdata",getData); var valuesT=[]; for(i=0;i<values.length;i++){ for (ii=0;ii<getData.length;ii++){ if (values[i]==getData[ii].invatationcode){ valuesT.push(values[i]); console.log("有效",valuesT); } } } if (lent==valuesT.length-1){ console.log("=="); lent= valuesT.length; $(this).combobox('setValues',valuesT); }else { console.log("!=") } }
通过遍历源数据 var getData=$(this).combobox('getData');和选中的数据(输入框的数据) var values=$(this).combobox('getValues');对比得到有效的选中数据,但是还需要在合适的时间设置有效选择数据
package com.xhzg.xhzg.mapper; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select; @Mapper publicinterfaceUserMapper { @Select("select * from user where username=#{username}") User loadUserByUsername(String username); }
@Select("select * from user where username=#{username}")//查询语
Mapper method 'com.xxx' has an unsupported return type: class com.xxx.User问题原因是mapper 中insert只能返回int,因此修改返回类型即可
nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Error invoking SqlProvider method (com.xhzg.xhzg.mapper.Provider.queryflowerByParam). Cannot invoke a method that holds named argument(@Param) using a specifying parameterObject. In this case, please specify a 'java.util.Map' object.错误解决:指定@param
#菜单 tags: /tags/ || tags updated: 2018-01-28 21:41:27 categories: /categories/ || th #样式 scheme: Pisces #评论 gitment: enable: true mint: true # RECOMMEND, A mint on Gitment, to support count, language and proxy_gateway count: true # Show comments count in post meta area lazy: false # Comments lazy loading with a button cleanly: false # Hide 'Powered by ...' on footer, and more language: # Force language, or auto switch by theme github_user: xuanfong1 # MUST HAVE, Your Github ID github_repo: hexo # MUST HAVE, The repo you use to store Gitment comments client_id: ff47a05197bc142b8dc0 # MUST HAVE, Github client id for the Gitment client_secret: b52d05ee5566230edfcf653efab9fd9fce6756c8 # EITHER this or proxy_gateway, Github access secret token for the Gitment proxy_gateway: # Address of api proxy, See: https://github.com/aimingoo/intersect redirect_protocol: # Protocol of redirect_uri with force_redirect_protocol when mint enabled
cd ~ #下载安装目录 wget https://clientupdates.dropboxstatic.com/dbx-releng/client/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-39.4.49.tar.gz #下载 tar xzf dropbox-lnx.x86_64-39.4.49.tar.gz #解压 ls #解压后用ls,查看不到改文件,因为是.开头的 cd ~/. <按TAB键> #可以看到 proxychains4 ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd #安装,需要使用代理,proxychains4安装见前面的文章
docker service update --image portainer/portainer:latest portainer_portainer
docker service upadte 命令参数详解
--force 强制更新重启服务,无论是否配置或镜像改变都更新
--image <image:tag> 制定更新的镜像
--with-registry-auth 私有仓库需要携带该参数,否则提示
1 2 3
image could not be accessed on a registry to record its digest. Each node will access independently, possibly leading to different nodes running different